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Number 55 is comprised of two 5’s, making 55 a powerful number as the energies and attributes of number 5 are doubled, amplified and reinforced. Number 55 carries the vibrations of adventure and versatility, curiosity, facing challenges, learning life lessons through experience, auspicious opportunities, idealism and activity, making positive life choices and important changes. Angel Number 55 is a message from your angels that it is time to let go of the ‘old’ that is no longer positively serving you, and get ready for big changes to take place in your life. Release old doubts, fears and perceived obstacles and look forward to wonderful new opportunities. Angel Number 55 tells you to keep a positive attitude about the new entering your life and keep an open mind as to the opportunities presenting to you. Keep in mind that everything happens for a reason and nothing happens by chance, so eventhough the reason/s for the changes may not be clear at this point, trust that all will fall into place for you. These changes have come about so that you can break free from old restraints and constraints and freely pursue your soul mission and life purpose as a spiritual being. The angels ask that you cast off old shackles and constraints, be true to yourself and live your life with passion and purpose. Be prepared for huge changes when repeating Angel Number 55 appears. Number 55 also relates to number 1 (5+5=10, 1+0=1) and Angel Number 1.




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